
Tim Golden of New York Times to Deliver Morris Lecture at Nieman Foundation

Tim Golden, senior writer for The New York Times, will present the 2008 Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture at the Nieman Foundation on February 21, 2008.

2008 Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism Offers Fresh Take on Multimedia

From reporters and biographers to bloggers and podcasters, the country’s top literary minds will gather this weekend to explore the challenges of professional storytelling in the multimedia age.

Flyp Wants to Help You “Connect the Dots”

FLYP — a newly-launched Web site featuring Juanita Leon, Class of 2007, as Editor-in-Chief — says its goal is to "leverage the real power of the Web into a new…

Waiting for a US-Iran Handshake

With Iranian influence growing throughout its region, and America faltering after so many foreign-policy debacles, Iran is hungrily eyeing the prize of regional dominance. Iason Athanasiadis, Class of 2008, talks…

Nieman Foundation Announces I.F. Stone Award Honoring Journalistic Independence

The Nieman Foundation is establishing an award that recognizes journalistic independence and honors the life of investigative journalist I.F. Stone.

Joseph R. ‘Joe’ Zelnik dies at 75

Joseph R. “Joe” Zelnik, Class of 1970, died March 3, 2008. The Cape May County Herald editor for 25 years, he was responsible for guiding the newspaper from a 20-page…

Tim Golden a Part of Oscar-Winning Documentary, “A Taxi From the Dark Side”

The award for Best Documentary Feature was given to “Taxi To The Dark Side” at the 80th Academy Awards on Sunday, February 24. Director Alex Gibney used the story of…

First Two Women Fellows Die Two Days Apart

The first two women awarded Nieman Fellowships died recently within just two days of each other. Charlotte FitzHenry Robling and Mary Leary Sherry and 12 other print reporters were members…

Baskin Receives Award from Scripps Howard Foundation

Roberta Baskin, Class of 2002, received the Excellence in Electronic Media/TV-Cable award from the Scripps Howard Foundation for “Drilling for Dollars,” an investigation of abuse by the leading chain of…

At Work with Malawi’s Nurses

Christine Gorman, one of the 2008 recipients of the Nieman Fellowship for Global Health Reporting, outlines her four-month field research project. Her principal goals are to tell the story of…