
Locating and Financing the Next Newsroom

Bob Giles, Class of 1966 and Nieman Foundation Curator, participated in this breakout session from the Journalism That Matters event held Aug. 8, 2007, at The George Washington University.

Mainstream to Ethnic Media — A New Career Direction

A steady stream of mainstream journalists are moving to, and in some cases moving back to, ethnic media. Evelyn Hernandez, Class of 2007, was one of the journalists interviewed who…

Joe Thloloe made Press Ombudsman

Veteran journalist Joe Thloloe, Class of 1989, has been appointed the new Press Ombudsman for South Africa. "The key issue for me is that it's designed to uphold the highest…

The Man From Jet

Simeon Booker, Class of 1951, was the man from Ebony and Jet magazines, which meant, in a symbolic manner, beginning in the 1950s, he was the man from Negro and…

Cartoonist Doug Marlette Dies in Car Accident

North Carolina-born Doug Marlette, who won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning in 1988 and was a member of the Class of 1981, died Tuesday morning in a single-car accident…

Incoming Fellow Recalls His Joy at the Return of Former-Hostage and Colleague Johnston

Simon Wilson, editor of BBC's Middle East Bureau and member of the Class of 2008, writes in his blog how he "felt an enormous responsibility" when Alan Johnston was abducted…

Chen to Lead White House Correspondents’ Association

Ed Chen, Class of 1985, has been elected president of the White House Correspondents' Association for the 2009-2010 term. The WHCA represents the White House press corps in its dealings…

Journalist, Press Freedom Advocate Dies

Dana R. Bullen II, 75, a reporter and editor at the old Washington Star who spent 15 years as executive director of the World Press Freedom Committee, an organization advocating…

French Gov’t Honors Goenawan Mohamad

Class of 1993 Fellow Goenawan Mohamad, a prominent Indonesian journalist, and noted poet and writer has been honored with the Chevalier dans L'ordre des Arts et des Lettres award.

Radio Free Asia Names Award-Winning South Korean Anchor To Head Korean Service

South Korean radio and television anchor Kwang Chool Lee, a 2000 Nieman Fellow, has been appointed director of RFA’s Korean-language service, which broadcasts four hours daily to North Korea.