From the Curator
“There are no former Niemans.”
We remind each year’s fellows of this as they prepare to leave Harvard and return to their news organizations or take on new challenges in journalism. Your fellowship tethers you to more than just your class. Your fellowship forever connects you to an institution that is as clear a beacon for journalistic excellence and accomplishment as any there is, one whose reputation each of you helped to build.
Our 85th anniversary and reunion in October 2023 was a spectacular reminder of the strength of our great global fraternity. And the quieter visits many of you pay individually to Lippmann House are as renewing for us as they are for alumni. But a physical return to Harvard is not the only way to keep your affiliation alive.
The ways in which many remain connected include: reading or writing for Nieman Reports, Nieman Lab and Nieman Storyboard; supporting fellow fellows during career changes, international travel, story research; recommending future Nieman fellows; turning to us for recommendations when recruiting for journalism openings; following Nieman events through our webcasts, video postings, social media updates; joining your class Facebook page and the all-class Facebook page to stay in the conversation; keeping us informed about news in your life and career.
Finally, you can give a gift to Nieman so that future generations of journalists may have access to the same resources you had. Agnes Wahl Nieman gave a gift to Harvard that supported a fellowship for American journalists, but much of our work—including the granting of international fellowships—has required us to raise additional funding. Many Niemans say that their fellowship was one of the best years of their lives. Visiting fellows who spend no more than three months with us have been similarly inspired. We encourage you to honor that time, help secure the future of journalism, and strengthen your lifelong Nieman status by considering a financial donation.

Ann Marie Lipinski, NF ‘90
Curator, Nieman Foundation