
Nieman Reports wins Mirror Awards

Nieman Reports has won two Mirror Awards, which honor excellence in media industry reporting: Moral Hazard by Yang Xiao, NF ’14, won in the best commentary category while Where Are…
Race and reporting: Examining diversity in news coverage

Race and reporting: Examining diversity in news coverage

In the new Nieman Reports cover package, reporters and editors discuss strategies for creating more inclusive newsrooms and how and why racially diverse staffs can improve coverage.

Mary C. Curtis, NF ’06, wins Green Eyeshade Awards

Mary C. Curtis, NF ’06, has won two Green Eyeshade Awards from the Society for Professional Journalists (online category) for columns and stories written for The Washington Post: first place…
Nieman Foundation announces the 78th class of Nieman Fellows

Nieman Foundation announces the 78th class of Nieman Fellows

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – The Nieman Foundation for Journalism, training newsroom leaders and fostering journalistic innovation for 78 years, has selected 23* journalists as members of the 2016 class of Nieman…
Presentation of the 2014 Worth Bingham Prize and Taylor Family Award

Presentation of the 2014 Worth Bingham Prize and Taylor Family Award

The Nieman Foundation presented the 48th annual Worth Bingham Prize for Investigative Journalism and the 14th annual Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Journalism on May 7, 2015. The Miami Herald won the Bingham…

Nieman Web redesign receives award

The Society for News Design has recognized the Nieman Foundation’s Web redesign with an Award of Excellence (small division) in its Best of Digital Design competition. Completed in the summer…

Chicago Tribune wins Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Journalism with “Red Light Cameras”

The Chicago Tribune has won the Nieman Foundation’s 2014 Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Journalism with “Red Light Cameras” a comprehensive series that exposed the corruption and mismanagement of…

UChicago Institute of Politics & Nieman Foundation to Co-Host Campaign Journalism Conference

The University of Chicago Institute of Politics and the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard are pleased to announce a joint conference for journalists reporting on the 2016 presidential election.…

Knight Visiting Nieman Fellowships: New program at Harvard University will advance journalism innovation

To help news innovators advance quality journalism by incorporating new practices and technology into their work, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation today announced $223,000 in support to…
New Nieman Fellowship to honor Anja Niedringhaus, NF ’07

New Nieman Fellowship to honor Anja Niedringhaus, NF ’07

The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard announces a new visual journalism fellowship in honor of Nieman Fellow Anja Niedringhaus, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Associated Press photographer who was shot and…