
  1. 2018 Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture

    Awards January 18, 2018

    Photojournalist Lynsey Addario delivered the 36th Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism on Jan. 18, 2018. Addario covers important news and feature stories around the globe and regularly works for The New York Times, National Geographic and Time magazine. Read more

  2. Remembering Robert Timberg

    By Nieman Notes September 29, 2016

    Robert Timberg, Marine, reporter, editor, acclaimed author and Nieman Fellow in the class of 1980, died on September 6 in Annapolis, Maryland, of respiratory failure. He was the bravest man I ever met. Shockingly disfigured by a land mine … Read more

  3. Nieman announces named fellowships for the class of 2016

    News August 25, 2015

    The Nieman Foundation today announced all named fellowships for the Nieman class of 2016. These fellowships are supported by foundation grants and endowed funds that provide financial assistance to journalists from the United States and abroad. For the first time, Nieman will award the Anja Niedringhaus Nieman Fellowship for Visual Journalism to documentary photographer Andrea Bruce, whose work brings attention to people living in war and its aftermath as well as the social issues that are sometimes ignored and often ignited in war’s wake. The fellowship honors the memory of 2007 Nieman Fellow and AP photographer Anja Niedringhaus, who was shot and killed while on assignment in Afghanistan in the spring of 2014. Read more