Search results for “twitter”

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Journalism and the Boston Marathon Bombings

Journalism and the Boston Marathon Bombings

Timing, Trust, and Credibility in the Age of Twitter The Boston Marathon bombings may well have been America’s first fully interactive national tragedy. During a roundtable conversation on Wednesday, May…

Social Media and the Boston Bombings

In a breaking news situation, journalists get an adrenaline rush. There is a palpable eagerness to get the scoop, to be the first to bring the story to the public.…

Niemans Cover the Boston Marathon Bombs

The explosions at the Boston Marathon made front-page news around the world, with Líberation in Paris, El País in Madrid, and The Jerusalem Post in Israel carrying coverage from 2013…

Spreading the Word

“Truth in the Age of Social Media,” the Summer 2012 issue of Nieman Reports, is attracting notice. Among the readers weighing in: The Poynter Institute's Craig Silverman, his Poynter colleague…

Reporter Andrea McCarren, NF ’07, fends off social media attacks

Andrea McCarren, a 2007 Nieman Fellow and reporter for WUSA 9 in Washington, D.C., was forced to stay off the air recently after teenagers upset with her reports on underage…

Nieman Reports explores the future of the Arab Press

Uprisings and revolt are shaping the political future of Arab nations, and journalists are trying to respond to the demand for reporting that people can trust. On Thursday, Oct. 27,…

Nieman Foundation calls for release of journalist Dorothy Parvaz in Syria

The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard is calling for information and assistance in obtaining the release of journalist Dorothy Parvaz, a 2009 Nieman Fellow, who is being held in…

Nieman Foundation Announces 2009-2010 Nieman Fellows

The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard has selected 23 journalists from the United States and abroad to join the 72nd class of Nieman Fellows. The group includes print and…