Three Nieman Fellows--Craig Welch '07, Ken Armstrong '01, and Christopher Cousins '07--have received recognition from the Online News Association (ONA). In the breaking news category, the ONA selected The Seattle Times's work on the Oso mudslide, a report which both Armstrong and Welch wrote, along with another Times reporter. Welch also received an explanatory reporting award for his story about the acidification of the Pacific Ocean, also published by The Seattle Times. Cousins received a feature writing award in the small newspaper category. His story, about living "the good life" in Maine, was published by The Bangor Daily News.
Nieman Alums Win ONA Awards

Columbia Journalism School and the Nieman Foundation announce shortlists for the 2025 J. Anthony Lukas Prizes

Nieman Foundation Curator Ann Marie Lipinski to step down
Lipinski steered Nieman through a period of historic change for the news industry and deepened collaboration with the Harvard community