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Mexican journalist Marcela Turati wins Lyons Award

Awards December 13, 2012

The Nieman Fellows at Harvard University have selected Marcela Turati of the Mexican newsmagazine Proceso as this year’s recipient of the Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism. Turati was chosen for her coverage of the drug war and her role in protecting and training members of the media. She is a standard-bearer for the journalists who have risked their lives to document the devastating wave of violence in Mexico. Read more

New York Times Correspondent C.J. Chivers to deliver Morris Lecture

Awards November 21, 2012

C. J. Chivers, senior writer for The New York Times, will deliver the 32nd Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard on Nov. 29, 2012. The annual Morris Lecture honors an American overseas correspondent or commentator on foreign affairs who is invited to Harvard to speak about international reporting. Read more

2012 Lukas Prize Project Awards Announced

Awards March 16, 2012

Columbia Journalism School and the Nieman Foundation have named the winners of the 2012 Lukas Prize Project Awards. Vanderbilt University law professor Daniel Sharfstein has won the 2012 J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize for The Invisible Line: Three American Families and the Secret Journey from Black to White." The Mark Lynton History Prize goes to Sophia Rosenfeld, a University of Virginia professor, for Common Sense: A Political History. And Jonathan M. Katz, a former AP reporter and editor, is winner of the J. Anthony Lukas Work-in-Progress Award for The Big Truck That Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster." Read more

Los Angeles Times wins Bingham Prize for “Billions to Spend”

Awards March 9, 2012

The Los Angeles Times has won the Worth Bingham Prize for Investigative Journalism for its six-part series “Billions to Spend.” During an 18-month investigation, the paper found that a $5.7 billion program to rebuild nine community colleges in Los Angeles was plagued with serious problems including mismanagement and reckless spending that wasted tens of millions of dollars and betrayed the public’s trust. Read more

The News & Observer wins Taylor Family Award

Awards March 2, 2012

The News & Observer of Raleigh, N.C., has won the 2011 Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers for “Twisted Truth: A Prosecutor Under Fire,” a three-part series reported by J. Andrew Curliss about prosecutorial misconduct by Durham’s district attorney Tracey Cline. Read more

Ann Curry to Deliver the 2012 Joe Alex Morris Jr. Lecture

Awards January 30, 2012

Ann Curry, co-anchor of NBC News’ “Today” program, will deliver the 31st annual Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture on February 2, 2012. Each year, the Morris Lecture honors an American overseas correspondent or commentator on foreign affairs who is invited to deliver a talk on international reporting. Read more

Mohammed Nabbous Receives Lyons Award

Awards November 18, 2011

Nieman Fellows at Harvard University have selected Mohammed “Mo” Nabbous, founder of Libya Alhurra TV, as this year’s recipient of the Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism. Nabbous, who was killed in March, was chosen as a representative of all those who courageously worked to disseminate news during the Arab Spring. Read more

Not depending on the authorities to tell the story

Awards October 7, 2011

A.C. Thompson received the 2011 I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence on Oct. 4 at Boston University. Thompson is a staff reporter for ProPublica whose work frequently exposes social injustice and the abuse of power. His reporting on events in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was critical to the uncovering of a string of racially motivated killings of unarmed civilians by New Orleans police officers. He recently spoke with Nieman Watchdog about criminal justice reporting. Read more