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Hartford Courant Wins Taylor Award For Fairness In Newspapers

Awards April 18, 2002

An article by Les Gura of the Hartford Courant about an instructor at Yale University, who became the focus of stories that unfairly cast him as a murder suspect, is the inaugural winner of the Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers. The award, endowed by the former publisher of The Boston Globe and the Taylor family, carries a $10,000 prize. Read more

1997 Louis Lyons Award

Awards March 25, 1997

Goenawan Mohamad, founder and editor of Tempo magazine in Jakarta, Indonesia, was selected by the Nieman Fellows to receive the 1997 Louis Lyons award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism. The 1997 Class of Nieman Fellows cited Mohamad for his … Read more

1996 Louis Lyons Award

Awards March 25, 1996

Raymond T. Bonner of The New York Times was awarded the 1996 Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism. In naming Bonner, who is a correspondent based in Warsaw, the Nieman Fellows broke with the practice of … Read more

1995 Louis Lyons Award

Awards March 25, 1995

The Nieman Foundation presented the 1995 Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism to Olatunji Dare, former editorial chairman for the Guardian Group of Newspapers in Lagos, Nigeria. When the 1995 Class of Nieman Fellows selected Dare … Read more