2014 I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence

Awards February 5, 2015

Filmmaker Laura Poitras was the recipient of the 2014 I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence, awarded each year by the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard. Amy Goodman, host and executive producer of “Democracy Now!,” also received a special I.F. Stone lifetime achievement award. Read more

2014 Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture

Awards November 6, 2014

New York Times senior photographer and two-time Pulitzer winner Tyler Hicks presented the 34th Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard on Nov. 14, 2013. The annual lecture honors an American overseas correspondent or commentator on foreign affairs. Read more

2014 J. Anthony Lukas Prize Project Awards

Awards May 13, 2014

On May 13, the J. Anthony Lukas Prize Project awards were presented to Pulitzer Prize-winning author Sheri Fink, Harvard history professor Jill Lepore, and Adrienne Berard, a 2013 graduate of the Columbia Journalism School. The three women’s works were selected as exemplary nonfiction, noted for their literary artfulness and social relevance. Read more

2013 Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers

Awards March 12, 2014

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has won the Nieman Foundation’s 2013 Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers for Deadly Delays. The comprehensive watchdog investigation reveals how delays in newborn screening programs at hospitals across the country have put babies at risk of disability and death from rare diseases often treatable when caught and treated early. Read more

2013 Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture

Awards November 12, 2013

In the weeks before Evan Osnos delivered the 2013 Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture at the Nieman Foundation, the problems facing journalists in China were prominent in the news: veteran correspondent Paul Mooney, who has written many hard-hitting stories about human rights abuses, had his resident journalist visa renewal request denied, and a recent New York Times report detailed charges that Bloomberg News withheld a story out of concern that it might upset Chinese leaders. Read more