
2013 Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers

2013 Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has won the Nieman Foundation’s 2013 Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers for Deadly Delays. The comprehensive watchdog investigation reveals how delays in newborn screening programs at hospitals…

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wins Taylor Family Award with “Deadly Delays”

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has won the Nieman Foundation’s 2013 Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers for Deadly Delays. The comprehensive watchdog investigation reveals how delays in newborn screening…

Pamela Colloff accepts 2014 Lyons Award

Speaking recently at the Nieman Foundation, Pamela Colloff, winner of the Louis Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism, offered a confession: “I love reporting. I hate writing.” Why…

New Yorker Staff Writer Evan Osnos delivers the 2013 Morris Lecture

Evan Osnos, a Pulitzer Prize-winning staff writer for The New Yorker, will deliver the 33rd Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard on…

Jane Mayer wins the 2013 I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence

Investigative journalist, author and New Yorker staff writer Jane Mayer has been selected as winner of the 2013 I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence. The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at…

Chicago Tribune wins Taylor Family Award with “Playing with Fire”

The Chicago Tribune has won the Nieman Foundation’s 2012 Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers for “Playing with Fire.” The six-part series revealed how the chemical and tobacco industries…

La periodista mexicana Marcela Turati gana el Premio Louis M. Lyons a la conciencia e integridad en el periodismo

Los Nieman Fellows de la Universidad de Harvard han decidido otorgar a Marcela Turati, de la revista mexicana Proceso, el Premio Louis Lyons a la conciencia e integridad en el…

Mexican journalist Marcela Turati wins Lyons Award

The Nieman Fellows at Harvard University have selected Marcela Turati of the Mexican newsmagazine Proceso as this year’s recipient of the Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in…

New York Times Correspondent C.J. Chivers to deliver Morris Lecture

C. J. Chivers, senior writer for The New York Times, will deliver the 32nd Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard on Nov.…

Alternative news pioneer Sandy Close wins the 2012 I.F. Stone Medal

Sandy Close, executive editor and director of Pacific News Service (PNS), has been selected as winner of the 2012 I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence. The Nieman Foundation for Journalism…