William Worthy Receives Lyons Award

The Nieman Foundation presented the 2008 Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism to William Worthy, Class of 1957.
Image for William Worthy Receives Lyons Award
Journalist William Worthy, center, receives the Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism from Nieman Foundation Curator Bob Giles, right. Also pictured, Ray Boone of the Richmond (Va.) Free Press. Photo by Randy Goodman

The Nieman Foundation presented the 2008 Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism to William Worthy, Class of 1957.

During his long and distinguished career, journalist William Worthy traveled extensively to report on global events for news outlets that included the Baltimore Afro-American and CBS News. A man of strong convictions and a crusader for equal rights, he challenged U.S. government policies several times and won.