Noah Feldman, Professor of International Law, Harvard Law School

Image for Noah Feldman, Professor of International Law, Harvard Law School
Harvard law professor Noah Feldman spoke to the 2014 Nieman Fellows about the intense scrutiny and criticism he faced after writing about his work in Tunisia and writing a personal essay about the modern Orthodox Jewish movement. Photo by Jonathan Seitz

During a talk at Lippmann House, Harvard law professor Noah Feldman addressed the future of China and Egypt as well as the furor over what he wrote about his high school reunion. An expert on constitutional and international law who has advised Iraq and Tunisia on new constitutions, Feldman has written six books on subjects such as the future of U.S.-China relations, separation of church and state in the United States, and Islamic democracy. In addition to examining the political outlook in a number of countries, he discussed ethical questions he faces as a columnist for Bloomberg View.

China Transitions

On China’s little-discussed “innovative experiment” of turning over its leadership every 10 years

About his Personal Essay

On the furor over his 2007 personal essay, “Orthodox Paradox,” in The New York Times. After attending a reunion of his Orthodox Jewish high school, he and his Korean-American girlfriend were nowhere to be found in the group photo published in the alumni newsletter. Was it because their interfaith relationship was something Orthodox Jewish law would not recognize?

On Tahrir Square

On why the protesters in Tahrir Square during the Arab Spring uprisings “were never pro-democratic. They were angry with Mubarak.”

About Tunisia

On being an academic, political adviser, and opinion journalist and the ethical questions that arise.

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