
Defending the ideals of journalism

In the spring of 2006, John Carroll stood before a room full of newspaper editors at their annual convention and asked, “What will become of newspapers?” It was his eloquent…

John Carroll, NF’ 72, former L.A. Times editor

John Carroll a 1972 Nieman Fellow and one of the country’s most influential journalists, died in Kentucky on June 14, 2015 at the age of 73.As editor at The Los…

John Carroll: great editor and great friend

John Carroll was a great editor and a great friend. During the seven years we worked together at The Baltimore Sun, we talked every day—seven days a week, 52 weeks…

Nieman Reports wins Mirror Awards

Nieman Reports has won two Mirror Awards, which honor excellence in media industry reporting: Moral Hazard by Yang Xiao, NF ’14, won in the best commentary category while Where Are…
Race and reporting: Examining diversity in news coverage

Race and reporting: Examining diversity in news coverage

In the new Nieman Reports cover package, reporters and editors discuss strategies for creating more inclusive newsrooms and how and why racially diverse staffs can improve coverage.

Mary C. Curtis, NF ’06, wins Green Eyeshade Awards

Mary C. Curtis, NF ’06, has won two Green Eyeshade Awards from the Society for Professional Journalists (online category) for columns and stories written for The Washington Post: first place…

Gilbert M. Gaul, NF ’83, authors book on the big-money culture of college football

Gilbert M. Gaul, a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize, has written “Billion-Dollar Ball,” which examines the big-money culture of college football. The new book will be published by Viking…

Bryan Monroe, NF ’03, joins Temple University’s j-school faculty

Bryan Monroe, NF ’03, has been appointed the Verizon Chair professor at Temple University’s School of Media and Communication. Monroe previously served as vice president and editorial director at Ebony…

Geneva Overholser, NF ’86, named Democracy Fund Fellow

Geneva Overholser, NF ’86, has been named a senior fellow at the Democracy Fund. Previously, Overholser was editor of The Des Moines Register, which she led to win…

Tom Witosky, NF ’92, co-authors book on marriage equality

Tom Witosky, NF ’92, has co-authored a new book with Marc Hansen, “Equal Before the Law: How Iowa Led Americans to Marriage Equality.” The book, published by University of Iowa…