Hasan Cemal and Turkish journalists honored at Harvard’s Nieman Foundation

Image for Hasan Cemal and Turkish journalists honored at Harvard’s Nieman Foundation
2015 Louis Lyons Award winner Hasan Cemal

Turkish journalist Hasan Cemal received the Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism on March 12, 2015 at Harvard University. Nieman Fellows in the class of 2015 chose Cemal for the honor in recognition of a long career dedicated to championing freedom of the press in Turkey and as a representative of all Turkish journalists working today under increasingly difficult conditions. Cemal is the co-founding president of P24: Platform for Independent Journalism.

In remarks presented at the award ceremony, Cemal discussed the many challenges facing Turkish journalists today, including direct government interference, censorship, arrests and prison terms – all factors that prevent the functioning of a free press.