From the Curator
In ways both obvious and subtle, my Nieman Fellowship year worked a special magic on me, challenging the conventions I had about journalism and my place in its ecosystem. Harvard, the curator, the other fellows, and my own independent studies served up a challenge to do more and do better.
As curator of the Nieman Foundation, I now have the privilege of offering others the same transformative experience. I have witnessed many times over the power of a Nieman Fellowship to coax and inspire journalists toward a greater ambition for their industry and their craft.
I have watched new leaders emerge and return to their newsrooms with expanded vision. I have seen innovations in storytelling, news reporting, technology and organization emerge from our fellows’ singular and collective labors. I have seen journalism made stronger.
For more than 80 years, Nieman has welcomed some of the world’s most accomplished and promising journalists, giving them the gift of time and intellectual resources to fortify their work. As journalism has changed, so too have many of the qualities of our program and of our fellows. Having added a short-term visiting fellowship to our traditional yearlong program, we now embrace an expanded cohort of developers, entrepreneurs, academics and others who are increasingly influential in how we create and receive news.
The Nieman Foundation is privileged to be part of this extraordinary university. If time at Harvard would expand your vision and help you help journalism, we invite you to apply.

Ann Marie Lipinski, NF ‘90
Curator, Nieman Foundation
“One of things I was thinking about was Robert Moses and urban political power and how I would need to do a book to explain. And it took a lot of nights to think that through. That’s really one of the things the Nieman year did for me.”
Robert Caro, NF ’66