Out of Eden: The Walk

Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and National Geographic Fellow Paul Salopek discusses plans for his epic journey around the world and a groundbreaking experiment in slow journalism.

In January 2013, journalist Paul Salopek will start walking out of Africa, following the pathways of the first human migration about 60,000 years ago. Toting a small laptop and a satellite phone in his rucksack, Salopek will report on the major issues of our day — poverty, conflict, climate change, local innovations — from the ground level, living among the people he will cover from Ethiopia to Patagonia.

After researching the project while on a visiting Nieman Fellowship last spring, Salopek returns to Harvard to talk about the why and the how of this ambitious undertaking and to share how the best of old and new media are merging in this experiment in slow journalism. A worldwide audience is invited to follow the talk — and then “walk along” — via the hashtag #edenwalk and on the project website www.outofedenwalk.com.

Moderated by Ann Marie Lipinski, curator of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard and Salopek’s longtime editor at the Chicago Tribune; with a welcome by Oliver Payne, articles editor at National Geographic.