Louise Kiernan

Nieman Fellow2005

About Louise Kiernan

Louise Kiernan

Louise Kiernan is an associate professor at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, focusing on narrative, investigative and social issues reporting. She is also co-director of the school’s Social Justice News Nexus. She joined Medill in 2010 from the Chicago Tribune, where she worked for 18 years as a reporter and editor, most recently as enterprise editor, managing a team writing in-depth features and coaching staff throughout the newsroom. She won a 2001 Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting as lead writer of a series on air travel and was a finalist in the same category for an individual project. She was a 2005 Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, has served on the Nieman fellowship selection committee, and chaired two Pulitzer Prize juries, for investigative and explanatory reporting.


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