Shooting Ghosts

A conversation with Reuters photojournalist and 2013 Nieman Fellow Finbarr O’Reilly and retired U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Thomas James Brennan about their journey through wars, trauma, loss and recovery

After years in different combat zones, photographer Finbarr O’Reilly and U.S. marine Corps Sgt. T.J. Brennan ended up together in Afghanistan. Their bond, forged under fire, has been renewed as they each face the painful aftermath of combat back home. Sgt. Brennan has turned to writing in his quest to overcome post-traumatic stress disorder and is now a frequent contributor to the New York Times At War blog. O’Reilly uses his Nieman fellowship at Harvard to study psychology and the impact of trauma on mind and body. Both are now collaborating on a book that will tell their story of friendship, loss, struggle and recovery.