2009 Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism: Telling True Stories in Turbulent Times

Laurie Hertzel

Laurie Hertzel is the books editor and narrative projects editor at the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Before joining the paper in 1996, Hertzel was a writer and editor at Minnesota Monthly magazine and the Duluth News Tribune. Her writing has received the Thomas Wolfe Fiction Award, awards from the AASFE, and medals from the City and Regional Magazine awards. Projects she edited have won a National Headliner Award and awards from IRE, AASFE, and Columbia University. The author of two regional histories, They Took My Father and Boomtown Landmarks, she is now writing a memoir.


"Above the Fold," September/October 2005, www.startribune.com (PDF)

"Above the Fold," January/February 2006, www.startribune.com (PDF)